Once we began our homeschool journey, it wasn't long before we stumbled upon a great curriculum and homeschool group called Classical Conversations (CC). If you're not familiar with it, I encourage you to click the link to learn more. Chrisitan-classical education is the perfect fit for our family. It allows us to teach several grades simultaneously while scaling material customized to each grade level. I have found over the years that it truly teaches our kids HOW to learn by asking questions of given materials to find the answers and/or question its authority. It's been a great way to further confirm the Word of God in their lives and we, parents and children, have all grown tremendously because of it.
At the elementary level, students memorize tons of information in 6 subject areas: Math, Latin, History (given in 3 Cycles: American History, World History, European History), English Grammar, Science, and Timeline. Electives include: Fine Art, Classical Composers and Tin Whistle (Music Theory). It truly is a great curriculum and we have seen our oldest flourish at the high school level with all this memory work under her belt! Though it's a great curriculum, it does lack a multicultural influence. Sure, there is SOME diversity sprinkled in but it lacks enough multicultural education to allow students a better understanding all of mankind and their contributions to the world. While it would be impossible to include all cultures and ethnicities, there is still not enough, in my opinion, to consider it as a "Christian Multicultural Curriculum". That being said, there was a need for our family and many others to collect resources for a well-rounded perspective of World History, American History and more.
Because of this need, we now have a FB group where several resources are collected to help with teaching multicultural history at home! Click here for a list of resources with a multicultural focus. Join our FB group for discussions, resources, and more!